Why Are the Dutch Hesitant to Spend on Cybersecurity? A Closer Look at the Stats (2023)

Estimated read time 2 min read

Is cybersecurity really worth the expense? That’s a question that seems to be on the minds of many in the Netherlands, according to a recent cybersecurity survey conducted by Alert Online.

The study reveals that a significant portion of the Dutch population finds the cost of security software to be a stumbling block. Let’s unpack the findings and explore what this means for online safety in the Netherlands.

The Survey Says…

The survey, commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs1, gathered insights from nearly 1,100 Dutch residents and over 1,000 ICT workers. It aimed to understand how the Dutch protect themselves online.

What did they find? Two-factor authentication is leading the charge as the most common security measure. Following closely are antivirus software and automatic updates. But here’s the kicker: Almost 90% of the participants claim to be cautious about the links they click on2. Sounds like good news, right? Well, there’s a catch.

The Roadblocks to Online Safety

The primary obstacles to practicing safe online behavior haven’t changed much from last year. Over half of the participants (58%) are not willing to pay for a password manager. Almost half (48%) think it’s too much trouble to have different passwords for all their devices and accounts. And for 37%, the cost of security software is just too high, an increase from 33% last year.

Who’s Most Affected?

For the Dutch under 40, the main issues are the hassle and the cost. Older adults and those with less education are more concerned about the complexity and trustworthiness of security measures.

What Can Be Done?

So, what’s the way forward? We believe that awareness is key. Budget-friendly or even free alternatives to expensive security software are available. For instance, free antivirus solutions and built-in password managers in browsers can be a good start.

Educate, Educate, Educate

Moreover, we think that education can play a significant role in changing attitudes. Simple and easy-to-understand guides can help demystify the ‘complex’ world of cybersecurity for those who find it daunting.

Conclusion: It’s a Shared Responsibility

Cybersecurity isn’t just the responsibility of tech geeks or the government. We all have a role to play. And if cost is a concern, there are ways around it that don’t compromise on safety. Let’s not let the expense be an excuse for lax security. After all, can you really put a price on peace of mind?

  1. https://open.overheid.nl/documenten/084f559c-dfbb-47e2-b197-3f5009d0fc0a/file ↩︎
  2. https://www.security.nl/posting/812628/Bijna+veertig+procent+Nederlanders+vindt+beveiligingssoftware+te+duur ↩︎
Reza Rafati https://cyberwarzone.com

Reza Rafati, based in the Netherlands, is the founder of Cyberwarzone.com. An industry professional providing insightful commentary on infosec, cybercrime, cyberwar, and threat intelligence, Reza dedicates his work to bolster digital defenses and promote cyber awareness.

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