URLscan query builder

Estimated read time 1 min read
Estimated read time 1 min read

Meet the URLscan Query Generator, your easy-to-use, one-stop solution for crafting customized URLscan queries. By inputting parameters across multiple categories and hitting a button, you’ll swiftly generate an efficient query, unlocking the power to discover insightful data with precision and ease.


Hunting With URLscan: Part 1Get to know the basics
Hunting With URLscan: Part 2Filenames and Hashes
Hunting With URLscan: Part 3Search Operators
Hunting with URLscan: Part 4Query Builder

URLscan query builder

Each IOC should be on a newline.

Customization Notice

While our URLscan Query Generator can produce a broad range of queries, you may find it necessary to manually tweak the output for certain specific requirements. The included AND/OR operators can be adjusted or replaced as needed in the resulting query. Remember, a well-crafted query can help extract precise and valuable insights, so don’t hesitate to fine-tune your queries for the best results.


Please note that while we highly appreciate and utilize the URLscan project, we are not officially affiliated or associated with URLscan in any capacity. Our URLscan Query Generator is an independent tool, created to provide a user-friendly interface for generating queries. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.