How Are Propaganda and Fake News the Unseen Weapons of Cyberwar?

Estimated read time 4 min read

Do you ever wonder how warfare has evolved in the digital age? When we think of cyberwar, often our minds jump to hackers breaking into systems or malware crippling critical infrastructure.

But there’s another, equally concerning element: the use of propaganda and fake news.

These are the weapons that fly under the radar, yet have the power to change public opinion, destabilize governments, and even incite conflict.

Why Misinformation is Deployed

Have you ever considered how disinformation becomes a strategic tool during wartime? In the chaos and uncertainty that accompany conflicts, disinformation serves as both a weapon and a shield. We think that understanding its importance is crucial for both citizens and governments alike.

During war, both sides aim to gain a psychological edge over the other.

Misinformation can demoralize the enemy, rally support at home, and even mislead adversaries into making tactical errors. A well-timed rumor or a strategically placed piece of fake news can have a ripple effect, altering the course of events in favor of the side that deploys it effectively.

The Power of Information

We think it’s safe to say that information is power. In today’s world, the ability to control narratives and influence public opinion can be just as damaging as a cyber-attack on a power grid.

While traditional cyber weapons like malware and DDoS attacks can cause immediate and visible damage, propaganda and fake news operate in the shadows, sowing discord and division.

Edward Snowden on Online Privacy and strong cybersecurity tools like PRISM1

Who is Edward Snowden?

Edward Snowden is a former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who became a whistleblower in 2013.

He leaked classified information that revealed mass surveillance programs run by the United States government.

Snowden’s revelations sparked a global debate about privacy, surveillance, and the balance between national security and individual rights.

China’s Crackdown on Fake News and Online Accounts

Don’t you find it interesting how different countries approach the issue of fake news? In a move to control the narrative, China has ramped up its efforts to cleanse the internet of false information and rumors.

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced the closure of over 100,000 online accounts2 that were found to be misrepresenting news anchors and media agencies.

According to the CAC, this initiative is part of a special campaign aimed at cleaning up online information. The focus is primarily on social media accounts that spread “fake news” and impersonate state-controlled media outlets.

But wait a second, there is more, on the other side, you could say, they deploy fake news outlets and accounts (It would be weird if such a big nation would not do those things right?).

Meta Takes Down Disinformation Networks Linked to Russia and China

Have you heard about Meta’s crackdown on disinformation networks? In a move to combat the spread of fake news, social media giant Meta removed networks consisting of hundreds of fake accounts.

These accounts were linked to Russia and China and targeted users primarily in Europe, Ukraine, and the U.S.

According to Meta, both the Chinese and Russian networks were unrelated but shared a common theme in their narratives.

They criticized Western policies, focusing particularly on sanctions against Russia and support for Ukraine.

While Meta couldn’t attribute these disinformation campaigns to specific groups in China or Russia, David Agranovich3, Meta’s Director of Global Threat Disruption, stated that the impact is hard to measure4. This is because these networks used various platforms and fake websites to disseminate their propaganda.

The Role of Fake LinkedIn Profiles in the Cyberwar Machine

The battlefield of disinformation extends even to professional networking platforms like LinkedIn5.

Believe it or not, fake LinkedIn profiles have become a part of this cyberwar machine.

These profiles are often meticulously crafted to look authentic, complete with detailed work histories, endorsements, and connections. The goal? To infiltrate companies, gather intelligence, and spread disinformation. So be aware when you get a random LinkedIn network invite…

How to Counter These Threats

You can believe that this could be overwhelming. But don’t fret; there are measures you can take to protect yourself and your community:

  1. Critical Thinking: Always question the source and intention behind the information.
  2. Fact-Check: Use reliable fact-checking websites to verify the authenticity of news.
  3. Secure Your Devices: Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication to make it harder for hackers to access your information.
  4. Educate Others: Share the knowledge about how propaganda and fake news work, and how to counter them.


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Reza Rafati

Reza Rafati, based in the Netherlands, is the founder of An industry professional providing insightful commentary on infosec, cybercrime, cyberwar, and threat intelligence, Reza dedicates his work to bolster digital defenses and promote cyber awareness.

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