Dive Into The World of Hackers with CyberBunker (Netflix)

Estimated read time 1 min read

Ever wondered what lurks in the shadowy corners of the internet? The latest Netflix documentary, “Cyberbunker: The Criminal Underworld”, might just have some answers for you.

Released last Wednesday, it’s already stirring up the charts and sparking conversations. So, what’s all the buzz about?

The Creators and the Concept

Directed by Kilian Lieb and Max Rainer, “Cyberbunker: The Criminal Underworld” is described by Netflix as a gripping journey through “fascinating investigations” and “true crimes”.

The film explores the enigmatic world of hackers operating from a Cold War-era bunker in a tranquil German tourist town, delving into the darkest recesses of the internet.

The documentary currently holds a modest 6.7/10 on IMDb based on 146 votes, with limited data available on other platforms. However, we still recommend you to watch it. Just take a look at the trailer.

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The Tech Team at Cyberwarzone.com is a collective of cybersecurity aficionados, each a specialist in their respective field. This ensemble includes seasoned DFIR mavens, management strategists, and cybersecurity tacticians.

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