Detecting AI Generated Servicedesk Tickets

Estimated read time 4 min read

Hey there, Cyberwarzone family. We’re about to delve into a fascinating and somewhat alarming topic that’s been buzzing my mind for a while. We’re talking about AI tools – think ChatGPT – being weaponized to launch Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, not on servers, but on service desks. Yes, you read that right, service desks. So, buckle up as we navigate this new cyber threat landscape.

A New Type of DoS Attack?

At their core, DoS attacks are all about wasting resources. Traditionally, we’ve seen these attacks target servers, overwhelming them with traffic until they crash. But what if the target isn’t a server, but a human-operated service desk?

Imagine a scenario where a malicious actor uses an AI tool to create a flurry of fake service requests. These requests look genuine and are diverse enough to avoid easy detection.

The service desk, in trying to respond to these requests, ends up wasting significant resources and time. The result is a “human” DoS attack, where the service is overwhelmed not by network traffic, but by fake requests.

A massive social engineering DoS attack? :smiley:
Detecting AI Generated Servicedesk Tickets
Detecting AI Generated Servicedesk Tickets

The Anatomy of an AI-Powered DoS Attack

You might wonder, “How does this attack actually unfold?” Great question. An AI tool like ChatGPT is programmed to generate service requests that mimic human language and behavior. These requests are designed to look as genuine as possible, and because they’re AI-generated, they can be produced at an astonishing rate. Now, multiply this by several AI bots operating in tandem, and you can see how quickly a service desk can be swamped with fake requests.

Programs can be created which utilize the ChatGPT API (Or any LLM).

The Illusion of Authenticity

The most insidious aspect of these AI-powered DoS attacks is the way they can blend into the regular workflow of a service desk. These aren’t just generic requests. They’re carefully crafted, often containing detailed narratives and even supporting images that lend credibility to the “fake” story.

Let’s say you’re working at the service desk. You receive a request for help, complete with a detailed explanation of the problem and a screenshot showing an error message. Everything looks legitimate. You have no reason to suspect that this request is anything but genuine. So, you start spending your time and resources to solve this ‘problem’.

This is where the true impact on processes comes in. The service desk isn’t just dealing with a high volume of requests. They’re dealing with requests that are indistinguishable from genuine ones. This makes it incredibly difficult to identify and block these attacks, which, in turn, disrupts the entire process of service request handling.

Routine tasks are delayed as the service desk team spends their time on these AI-generated requests. Response times for genuine requests increase, leading to dissatisfaction among real users. The workflow of the service desk is disrupted, causing inefficiencies and frustrations.

Moreover, the presence of supporting images or documents, which seem to substantiate the fake requests, only deepens the illusion of authenticity. This is particularly challenging because it’s another layer of deception that the service desk has to uncover, and it requires more sophisticated detection methods.

The Impact on Teams

Without proper solutions in place, this type of attack can have severe consequences.

  • The sheer volume of requests can quickly overload a service desk team. As they scramble to respond, the quality of service for genuine users inevitably drops.
  • The morale of the team can take a hit. Dealing with a barrage of fake requests is frustrating and demotivating. It’s like running on a treadmill – no matter how hard you work, you never make progress.
  • This type of attack can erode trust in the service desk. If genuine users have to wait longer for assistance or receive subpar service, they may lose faith in the service desk’s capabilities.

Solutions to Mitigate the Threat

Thankfully, we’re not defenseless against this threat. Here are a few solutions to consider:

  1. AI-powered Detection: Fight fire with fire. Use AI tools to detect unusual patterns of requests that might indicate an AI-driven DoS attack. These tools can flag suspicious activity for further investigation, helping to filter out the noise.
  2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Require users to verify their identity before submitting a service request. While this may not stop all AI attacks, it will certainly make them more challenging to execute.
  3. Education and Awareness: Train your service desk team to recognize potential AI-driven attacks. A well-informed team is an essential line of defense.

Done reading? Continue with Critical Windows Event IDs for Cybersecurity Pros.

Reza Rafati

Reza Rafati, based in the Netherlands, is the founder of An industry professional providing insightful commentary on infosec, cybercrime, cyberwar, and threat intelligence, Reza dedicates his work to bolster digital defenses and promote cyber awareness.

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